After a 30-year career as a psychologist in Grand Island, Nebraska, I have decided to return to Iowa where I was born and raised and to establish a part time practice in Iowa City where my wife and I have friends and family.matched bet
I also plan to narrow the scope of my practice to the professional activities that I enjoy the most.
After receiving my PhD in Clinical Psychology in 1981, I focused on having as many professional experiences as possible. I began by working as a staff psychologist at the Des Moines Child Guidance Center and concentrated on child and family therapy and also completed a 2-year program in family therapy through the Menninger Vegan Chocolate
The Child Guidance Center turned out to be a wonderful place to start because it offered me a wide range of supervised experiences with families and children. I worked with children with mild behavioral problems, children with severe and traumatic histories and every kind of problem in between.
In 1985 I moved to Grand Island, Nebraska and worked for 2 years as the director of an eating disorders program before deciding to engage in full-time private practice. Because Grand Island is an under
served area, I found myself able, again, to pursue a variety of interests. In addition to therapy, I found that I really enjoyed marriage counseling, supervision of master’s level therapists, consultation with the alcohol and drug program and the mental health center, and psychological evaluations.
Over the years, I supervised well over 100 clinicians and learned an enormous amount from that collaboration. I also learned that I really liked talking to other clinicians about difficult cases. There was often a synergy in that work that translated into better treatment for those clients than either of us would have provided separately.
Gradually, I have moved more in the direction of psychological evaluations because, as a former english major, I like writing. I like looking at individuals and their patterns of behaving and I enjoy trying to translate those insights into a written document which can serve as the beginning of a teaching/learning experience for the referring person whether that be a primary care physician, a probation officer, an anxious parent,a social services case worker, or the court.
Thirty six years of practicing psychology has translated into hundreds of custody evaluations and many more child evaluations, sex offender evaluations, and parenting assessments,as well as competency evaluations of various kinds and pre- intervention psychological evaluations of medical patients seeking bariatric surgery or chronic pain interventions.I have also testified in court hundreds of times and have learned a lot from those experiences about how to translate psychological concepts into a legal framework and how to be of service to attorneys and the courts in making their decisions.
I now intend to limit my practice to evaluations and collaboration with community professionals because I believe people do their best work when they are doing the work they like the best.